Healthcare Provider Education

Mother’s own milk is a superfood that promotes optimal growth and development. Human milk is species specific and contains thousands of immune factors, including antibodies, that are not found in formula (Kim & Froh, 2012). When mother’s own milk is not available there are two options: pasteurized donor human milk or commercial formula. Pasteurized donor milk is heat treated to destroy bacteria and viruses. Many powerful immune factors are retained after pasteurization to protect against infection (Figure 1).

Bioactive Human Milk Factors 1. Mom’s Milk 2. Donor Milk 3. Formula
Human Milk Oligosaccharides 100% 100% 0%
sIgA antibody 100% 70% 0%
Lysozyme 100% 75% 0%
Lactoferrin 100% 40% 0%
Figure 1. Select immune factors in mom’s milk, pasteurized donor human milk, and formula (based on data from Tully, Jones, & Tully, 2001).

Breastfeeding mothers produce immune factors that are tailor-made for their babies. Their bodies activate real-time antibodies that target bacteria and viruses in their environment. Milk Bank WGL donor mothers share these amazing local antibodies with recipient babies in the hospital and home setting.

Milk Bank WGL is passionate about protein. We batch milk by developmental stage to capture the highest levels of protein and antibodies for our tiniest and most vulnerable patients. High protein milk collected from preterm mothers is batched and processed separately for very low birthweight infants in level III/IV NICUs. For more information, please review our Product & Nutrition Education handout.

Donor Milk in your Facility

Most of the pasteurized donor human milk dispensed by Milk Bank WGL is delivered to Wisconsin and Illinois hospitals for use primarily in the NICU, Special Care Nursery, or Mother Baby Unit. To receive our hospital toolkit or to learn more about establishing a donor milk program at your hospital, please contact our Education office at

If you are a current hospital partner and would like to order donor milk, please call 847-262-5134 or email

Donor Milk in the NICU or SCN

Preterm infants have fragile, underdeveloped gastrointestinal (GI) systems. A parent’s own milk reduces the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a dangerous GI condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality (Lucas & Cole, 1990; Meinzen Derr et al., 2009). When mother’s milk is unavailable, pasteurized donor human milk protects against NEC (Quigley & McGuire, 2014; Sisk et al., 2017).

Human milk also reduces the risk of sepsis (Ronnestad et al., 2005) and decreases the number of healthcare visits after NICU discharge (Johnson et al., 2019). The American Academy of Pediatrics endorses the use of pasteurized donor human milk for preterm infants when mother’s milk is unavailable (AAP, 2017).

Donor Milk on Postpartum Units

The use of donor milk on postpartum units is on the rise (Belfort et al., 2018). Indications for donor milk outside of the NICU may include, but are not limited to low supply, poor latch, hypoglycemia, weight loss, and hyperbilirubinemia (Sen et al., 2018). There may be reasons to consider donor milk that are based on the parents’ needs, such as contraindicated medications, separation, or HIV status.

Belfort et al. (2018) have demonstrated that exclusive breastfeeding rates are higher at discharge when donor milk is available for supplementation. Establishing a donor milk program on the postpartum unit increases parental feeding choices and may improve patient satisfaction.

Donor Milk for Outpatients

Pasteurized donor human milk may be a great match for NICU graduates that are transitioning home. Donor milk may be used at home for many reasons, including failure to thrive, severe reflux, GI disorders, cardiac conditions, kidney or liver disease, spinal muscular atrophy, severe formula intolerance, or other congenital or acquired conditions.

In Illinois, some insurance plans may cover donor milk with specific indications and coverage rules. For more information, please review our Insurance Coverage Fact Sheet.

Other indications for outpatient milk include short term supplementation in the newborn period, maternal illness or separation, adoption, surrogacy, or low milk supply.

Referring your Patients to Donate

We are grateful to providers for referring donors to our milk bank. We rely on donors to help maintain a healthy donor milk supply for families in need throughout Wisconsin and Illinois. Milk donors are healthy, lactating women who have extra milk and want to help other babies in need.  You can advise potential donors that they will be expected to:

  • Donate at least 100 ounces at the first drop-off.
  • Follow milk donation guidelines.
  • Maintain contact with the milk bank to report medications and household illnesses.
  • Drop off milk at a convenient Milk Depot, or work with us to arrange for shipping.
  • Keep milk frozen at home and during transport.

Milk Bank WGL Safety at a Glance

  • Milk Donors undergo a rigorous screening protocol that includes blood testing for HIV, HTLV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and syphilis.
  • Pasteurization destroys bacteria and viruses, including HIV and CMV.
  • Donor milk is tested for bacteria before and after pasteurization.
  • Donor milk is tested for drugs of abuse, including THC, PCP, opiates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, and amphetamine.

Safety & Quality

Milk Bank WGL is accredited by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Elk Grove Village Health Department. The milk bank is also licensed as a Home Medical Provider by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation.

Our Food Safety Plan identifies potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards in each processing step. Certified Preventive Controls Qualified Individuals (PCQIs) identify the preventive controls, verifications, and validations to prevent the risk of hazard. Our Food Safety Plan is continuously revised to improve the safety and quality of the products we dispense.

Campaign Commitments

Per the Hospital Donor Milk Education Legislation (Public Act 103-0160),  Illinois hospitals are now required to provide information and instructional materials about how to donate to non-profit milk banks accredited by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. This information will be shared with parents of newborns in order to help safeguard our milk supply for vulnerable infants. Feel free to print and upload the flyers below. Questions can be directed to our Clinical Manager, Amber, at


