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CARBONDALE, IL (KFVS) – The Mothers Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes is a non-profit human milk bank that serves the Western Great Lakes region, including Wisconsin and Illinois that just opened its first milk bank in southern Illinois.

The human milk bank processes milk from donors that go through a screening process and then take the milk through a process of pasteurization to makes sure it is safe for consumption.

The milk donated is given to NICUs and Special Care Nurseries around Illinois and Wisconsin for babies that may be to young to be on formula.

“When a baby is born weighing less than three pounds their stomachs are very fragile and some of them can simply not tolerate formula, their risk of acquiring a deadly disease is greatly increased if they are exposed to formula in that critical early period, donor human milk saves lives,” Summer Kelly, Executive Director of Mothers Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes said.

Dr. Pradeep Reddy of The Pediatric Group in Carbondale, Illinois has opened his practice as a donation site.

Anyone that wants to donate or learn more about Mothers Milk Bank can call 618-993-0404 or visit

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